[EUCLID -- MILLIET DECHALES, Claude-François Milliet (1621-1678)]. The Elements of Euclid Explain'd, in a New, But Most Easie Method, Together With the Use of Every Proposition Through all Parts of the Mathematicks. Written in French, by the Excellent Mathematician, F. Claud. Francis Milliet de Chales, of the Society of Jesus. And Now Carefully Done Into English, and Purg'd From a Multitude of Errors, Which Had Escap'd in the Original. Oxford: printed by L. Lichfield, Printer to the University, for Anthony Stephens, Bookseller near the Theater in Oxford, 1685.
FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. Leather-bound, hardcover, small octavo (15.5 x 10 x 2.5 cm.), pp. [4], 380. Signatures: A-3B [sup]4. English text, with diagrams in the text throughout. Bound in contemporary full calf. Title-page enclosed within double line border. Condition: GOOD. Binding secure, however, the joints are rubbed and starting to split slightly. Corners rubbed and bumped. Lacking front blank leaf, else complete. Interior lightly toned, a couple of corners slightly torn away not affecting text, title-page with slightly ragged fore edge. Otherwise well-preserved. Scarce.
Notes: An attractive copy in a contemporary English binding of the first edition of this English translation of Dechasles’s Euclidis Elementorum libri octo, a paraphrase of Euclid’s Elements [according to Backer's Bibl. de la Compagnie de Jésus, the translation was made by William Halifax]. This work covers Books 1 to 6, together with Books 11 and 12, of Euclid’s Elements. Another, more common English edition was published in London by Phillip Lea in the same year, the translation being by Reeve Williams. ‘Dechales [is also known to have] adopted Galileo’s theory of motion, where he introduced several original views and developments. [Wing E-3400; ESTC R21479; OCLC 926232929].
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