[MORISOT, CLAUDE BARTHÉLEMY DE]. Orbis maritimi sive Rerum in mari et littoribus gestarum generalis historia : in qua inventiones navium, earundem partes, armamenta. Instructiones classium, navigationes, praelia maritima, arma, stratagemata, trophaea, triumphi, naumachiae. Urbes & coloniae maritimae, periplus orbis antiqui, & novi. Magistratus, praefecturae & officia classica apud omnes gentes. Leges navales, lustrationes classium, causae & genera ventorum, usus pixidis nauticae, histiodromice, marium diversi motus, aestúque, atque exundationes, aliáque omnia ad rem maritimam pertinentia. Opus unicâ centuriâ contentum, quae in duos libros divisa & partita est : Primus : res in mari, aut circa mare gestas continet, ab initio navigationum ad Constantini magni obitum, cum descriptione littorum antiquis cosmographis cognitorum. Secundus : a Constantino magno ad hanc usque diem res pelago, & in oris gestas complectitur, cum descriptione littorum antiquis incognitorum. Authore Claudio Bartholomaeo Morisoto Divionensi. Diuione [Dijon]: Apud Petrum Palliot [Pierre Palliot], typographum Regis, bibliopolam & calcographum, sub signo Reginæ Pacis ante Palatium., M. DC. XLIII. [1643].
Hardcover. First edition. In two parts. Folio (350 x 220mm.), [26], 725, [19] pages, [1] folded leaf of plates: illustrations (maps). Signatures: *⁴ **² ***⁶ A-5A⁴. Additional engraved title, title printed in red and black, additional printed dedication to Pierre Séguier (leaf â) inserted at end of preliminaries, folding engraved plate, 44 engravings in the text from De Bry, with maps. Initials, head- and tail-pieces. Includes indexes. Pages 592-612 contain a description of America. Colophon at leaf 5A4v. Old vellum with fore-edge cover extensions, spine title in later manuscript. Condition: GOOD to VERY GOOD. Collated complete. Title with minor repair to top left corner, occasional dampstaining, vellum slightly soiled.
Notes: THE FIRST NAVAL HISTORY. "Claude Barthélemy Morisot (1592-1661) was one of the great intellectuals of his time, and his works enjoyed great success. Orbis maritimi is his best book... It is divided into two parts. The first is devoted to ancient times, and the second is concerned with "modern" times, and the deeds of the British, French, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese" (Borba de Moraes). The folding plate depicts a staged naval battle in a Roman arena, and the illustrations show coins, maps and types of native vessel. The work was dedicated to Louis XIII, with the preface dated January 1643. This copy also has a printed dedication to Chancelier Séguier, dated April 1643, inserted before the start of the text (and interrupting the catchwords), indicating that this is the second issue.
References: Borba de Moraes II, pp. 597-598; Sabin 50723; USTC 6810141.
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