[COLLINS, John (1625-1683)]. The doctrine of decimal arithmetick, simple interest, &c. as also of compound interest and annuities generally performed for any time of payment or rate of interest by help of a particular table of forbearance of 1l principal, with enlarged rules, formerly abridged for portability in a letter case / by John Collins; and since his death, both made publick by J.D. London: Printed by R. Holt for Nath. Ponder at the Peacock in the Poultry, near the Stocks-Market, 1685.
First edition. Leather-bound. Hardcover. 12mo, (150 x 95 x 10 mm.), pp. [8], 102, [2] (with final leaf blank). Signatures: A⁴ B-E⁸ F-G⁴ H⁸ I⁴. English text. Bound in contemporary calf over wooden boards. Initial and terminal blanks present. Epistle to the reader by J.D. Tables/charts in the text. Provenance: Bookplate of The Surveyors Institution to front pastedown. Condition: FAIR to GOOD. Collated complete. The binding is holding securely, although the spine ends are chipped and both joints are cracked exposing strings, the original boards remain mostly unblemished. The contents are nicely preserved with some light browning and contemporary inking confined to the endpapers. Extremely scarce.
Contents: Title page. The Epistle to the Reader. Decimal Arithmetick. Simple Interest. PROP. 1. Example 1. Example 2. Prop. 2. Forbearance of Money at Simple Interest. Example. Prop. 3. Rebate, or the Present worth of Money due hereafter. Example. Prop. 4. Equation of Payments. Of Compound Interest. Prop. 1. To continue the said Table. Example. Another Example. For Example such a Question may be put; Prop. 2. A Sum forborn for any time, to find to what it shall amount to at 6 l. per Cent. Compound Interest. Example. Prop. 3. A Sum of Money due here∣after, to find what it is worth in ready Money. Example first, for making the Table of Discount. Example second. Prop. 4. Of Forbearance of Annuities. To find the Arrearages of an Annuity. Example. Second Example. Third Example. Prop. 5. To find the present worth of an Annuity. Example. First for making the Tables. Example. Secondly for half-year∣ly Payments. Prop. 6. To find what Annuity any Sum of ready Money shall purchase. Corollary. Example the first. Example Second. Prop. 7. Any number of years in a Lease or Annuity being propounded to find the present Worth of any greater or lesser Number of years therein. Example: Example. Prop. 8. A Table for the forbearance of Money at any Rate of Interest being in store to extend it to serve to all other Rates. Example first. Example. Advertisement. A Table of Decimals of Days, which may serve for any Rate of Simple Interest, and a Table of Forbearance, or Amount of 1 l. Compound Inte∣rest at 6 l. per Cent. per Annum, for 365 Days and 11 Months. A Table of Forbearance, or Amount of 1 l. at Compound Interest, at 6 l. per Cent. per Annum for 50 years, and from thence continued to 100. title page treatise Simple Interest. Prop. 1. To compute the Interest of 1 l. for a Day. Prop. 2. Forbearance of Money at Sim∣ple Interest. Prop. 3. Rebate, or the present worth of Money due hereafter. Prop. 4. Equation of Payments. Prop. 1. To continue the said Table, or to find the Amount of 1 l. for∣born for any time proposed. Prop. 2. The Amount of 1 l. being given, To find the time of Forbear∣ance. Prop. 3. To compute the Amount of 1 l. for any time at any Rate of In∣terest. Example, 100 l. did amount to 105 l. in, 83732 Years. Prop. 4. Forbearance of Monies at Compound Interest. Prop. 5. Discount of Money at Com∣pound Interest, the Converse of the former. Prop. 6. Forbearance of Annuities. Prop. 7. Discount of Annuities, or their present Worth. Prop. 8. To find what Annuity any Sum of ready Money shall purchase for any time proposed. Prop. 9. The Worth of an Annuity be∣ing proposed, To find the time of its Continuance. Prop. 10. An Annuity, its present Worth, and time of Continuance pro∣posed, To find the Rate of Interest. Prop. 9. More easily. Example. A PERPETUAL ALMANACK, section Example. To find on what day of the Week any Day of any Month in the said Year hapneth. To find the Prime or Golden Number and Epact. To find Easter for ever. To find the Age of the Moon. To find the Southing of the Moon, and High Water at London-Bridge. To find it another way. To find what Day of the Month the Sun enters into any Sign of the Zo∣diack, by the following Verse. To know in what Degree of the said Sign he is for any other Day. Example. Example.
Notes: Extremely rare first edition, and an expansion of Collins's 1669 sheet entitled Compendium for a letter case. Few copies registered with institutions and fewer examples being sold at auction. [Ref: Wing C5372; ESTC: R23930].
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