[THUCYDIDES]. [Thoukydidou tou Olorou, Peri tou Peloponnesiakou polemou biblia okto] = Thvcydidis olori filii, De bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo. Idem Latinè, ex interpretatione Lavrentii Vallæ, ab Henrico Stephano nuper recognita, Quam Aemilius Portus, Francisci Porti Cretensis F. paternos commentarios accuratè sequutus, ab infinita grauissimorum errorum multitudine nouissime repurgauit, magnaq[ue] diligentia passim expolitam innouauit. In hac postrema editione qvid præterea præstetur, sequens pagina docet. Francofurti [Frankfurt]: Apud heredes Andreæ Wecheli, Claudium Marnium, & Ioan. Aubrium, M. D. XCIV. [1594].
Leather-bound, hardcover, folio (34 x 22 x 5.5 cm.), [14], 631, [1], 567 pp., 24 leaves. Signatures: a-b4 A-Z6 Aa-Zz6 Aaa-Fff6 Ggg4 aa-zz6 aaa-ddd6 eee4. Handsomely rebound in full panelled calf gilt, red speckled pages edges. Text in Greek and Latin in parallel columns. Notes and commentaries in Latin. The first nine words of the title are transliterated from the Greek. Translated from Greek into Latin by Lorenzo Valla, revised by Henri Estienne, Aemilius Portus and Franciscus Porti. Printers device on title page and verso of final page. Floriated initials, headpieces, footnotes and shoulder notes, rear appendix and index. Condition: GOOD. Collated complete. Binding tight and secure. Textblock with marginal staining throughout. Small corner tear to title leaf. Some rear index leaves with neat corner repairs, some just touching text. An excellent copy.
Notes: Type and ornaments would suggest that the book was printed at the Estienne shop (either by Henri or his son Paul) at Geneva for the Wechel firm of Frankfurt. Cf. Schreiber, F. Estiennes, 1982, p. 233-234; Adams T668; BM STC German, 1455-1600, p. 860.
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